How To Style A Unitard
KEEPIN' IT REAL: Dashing from From Street to Studio

Car to Class in no time
Two of my students are professionals who can’t afford extra time on either side of a workout. They throw on one simple jacket and some cute shoes and they’re ready to jump into my studio and get right to work.

The question is: Do YOU?
Do YOU have the balls to rock a unitard? Fashion for the studio is just like fashion for the street. It is meant to make you feel strong, powerful and confident. That is why I make clothes for women. I want to support you in what you choose to do throughout your day. The first days of wearing a unitard you may want to drape a scarf around your hips, wear a long t-shirt, or layer with some baggy pants, but STILL you will feel held and supported with softness and comfort and warmth.

Full Disclosure

This is absolutely NOT STAGED! I came home from teaching and had to run my dog Kayla to her vet appointment.
I wanted her to smell pretty so I jumped right into the shower with her, unitard and all.
My husband snapped this pic cause he thought I was a little crazy, but it’s THAT comfortable!
Now one thing about wearing your unitard to relax in at home,
it DOES show up Golden Retriever hair like crazy. Just be forewarned…
Happy relaxing!

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